The Late Mr Mohammed Ali Hussain an electrician by trade established Western Lectric Co Ltd in 1946. The pioneering spirit of Mr M Ali Hussain prompted him to venture into various other businesses like Hotel Development, Copra Trading, Real Estate, Refrigeration Engineering, Plumbing, Sheet Metal work and Solar Water Heater systems.
With the company’s diversification and the success of the solar water heater systems, in the late 1960’s another family company Hussain Solar Industries was formed. In Conjunction with BEASLEY INDUSTRIES of Adelaide Australia, Hussain Solar Industries started full time production assembly of solar water heater systems.
Both the companies are fully owned by family members and the daily operations been run by Mr M. A Hussain's grandchildren and the hardworking long term staff who have been part of the Western Lectric family for the past 30 years.
As of 1st July 2014 Hussain Solar Industries started trading under WESLEC as the previous names did not truly reflect on the type of work and the products that the company was marketing.

Founder: Late Mr Mohammed Ali Hussain 1920 - 2010